Same-Day Delivery   6 Days A Week   Worldwide

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your personal information is exactly that; yours. By browsing the web you often share little bits of information here and there that make your shopping experience faster, safer, and more convenient.

Who is processing your information?
Euroflorist is a Euroflorist Europe B.V. brand, registered at Hullenbergweg 250, 1101 BV, Amsterdam. The German branch is located and registered at Sachsenstraße 6 in 20097 Hamburg.

These domains, subdomains, and applications are all part of Euroflorist, owned by Euroflorist Europe:

The registered company address for Euroflorist is Euroflorist Europe B.V. Hullenbergweg 250, 1101 BV Amsterdam.

The German branch is located Sachsenstraße 6, 20097 Hamburg.


What do we collect and why?
We collect various pieces of information at different stages of your buying journey, depending on what stage you are at and why we collect it.

Some of this information is considered to be Personally Identifiable Information (PII), however, this is only collected with your explicit consent, stored securely, and processed accordingly.

Recipient Information
We collect what we refer to as ‘recipient information’ or ‘recipient details’ under the understanding that this information is required to ensure a safe and sound gift delivery.

We keep recipient details completely separate from customer details. We never send promotional messages, marketing communications, or any form of unsolicited contact to details collected in the recipient's details.

To ensure a safe delivery, we collect the following information. It is only used to guarantee a safe delivery. 
● Recipient Name
● Recipient Address
● Recipient Telephone Number

Customer Information collects the following information from the purchaser. It is solely used for fraud & loss prevention.
● Name
● Email Address
● Telephone Number
● Order Occasion***
● Card Message***
● IP Address
● User-ID

The User ID allows us to recognise multiple visits, interactions, and engagements with better accuracy. This allows us to provide a consistent service to you as a user.

***Order occasion and card messages are gathered to help with processing your order.

Our Promises
● We show the same prices to all customers all the time.
● If you have a discount applied, the full value price is the same for every customer.
● We will never sell, share, or reproduce your personal information.

We recommend reading the policies provided by third parties that we work with to provide the service we offer.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

● Google Privacy Policy
● Facebook Privacy Policy
● Criteo Privacy Policy
● Twitter Privacy Policy
● Pinterest Privacy Policy
● Tradedoubler Privacy Policy
● Hubspot Privacy Policy
● Convert Privacy Policy
● HelloSoda Privacy Policy