
Modern bouquets tied by hand with fresh flowers from the meadow, easily delivered to you with Euroflorist! Order your wildflower bouquet today and have it delivered already tomorrow!

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  • Order wild flowers online with Euroflorist


    The latest trend in floristry are beautiful modern bouquets hand-tied with meadow flowers. These meadow bouquets are tied together with a looser floristic technique than the classic round bouquets. The charm of these wild flowers is that they look as if they have just been freshly picked from the field. But you will be amazed how much floristic experience has to go into this technique to give the bouquet the appearance of playful lightness. Euroflorist combines the freshness of the field with professional floristry and the result - we think - is effortless beauty!

  • Sending wild flowers made easy with Euroflorist!

    Simply choose your favorite meadow bouquet and then enter the details of the delivery address in the order form. Your meadow bouquet will immediately be lovingly bound by hand and sent on its way. Here DHL takes over and brings the modern bouquet directly to your door. It can be that easy to order wild flowers online - for yourself or for a loved one! (Delivery closest possible for orders that reach us before 2.30 PM no packages are delivered on Mondays)

  • How do we send your meadow flowers?

    Our modern bouquets tied together with wild flowers are sent by mail! The boxes in which the bouquet arrives to you have been specially designed for delicate contents. And what could be more delicate than a sweet bouquet of meadow flowers? A special holder has been placed in the box to hold the stems of the flowers firmly and stable. And in the upper part of the carton, where the flowers are, there is enough space so that none of the flowers arrive crushed. In addition, all stems are supplied with water by a cloth during the journey to you. This cloth is wrapped around the bouquet, followed by a cover of waterproof material so that the water cannot leak.

  • Which meadow flowers can be found in our bouquets?

    Among other things you will find the following colors and flower varieties in our modern field flower bouquets:

    • Yellow meadow flowers: Sunflowers, Alstromeria
    • Purple meadow flowers: Eustoma, Aster
    • Red meadow flowers: Hypericum, roses
    • Blue meadow flowers: delphinium, thistle
    • Orange meadow flowers: gerbera, roses, carnations, lilies
    • White meadow flowers: lilies, roses, eustoma
    • Pink meadow flowers: roses, spray roses