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Surprise bouquet in Pink

  • A surprise bouquet in pink hand-tied & delivered by local florist
  • The image is an indication for what the bouquet could look like
  • For the best gifting experience we advice to choose size "large"

1. Choose size

Standard29,99 €
Medium35,99 €
Large43,99 €

2. Provide location of the recipient

3. Choose delivery date

4. Choose delivery option

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Product Description
Convince your sweetheart with a romantic floral greeting in pink. Our local florists will create a unique flower bouquet with love and passion and fresh seasonal flowers. Trust the long of experience of our partner florists on site! (Example picture of the manufacturing process) . The imagery is displaying a medium sized bouquet.

The flowers and plants are hand-tied respectively manually prepared by a local florist and can vary from the product image due to seasonal availability, price fluctuations and differences in the florist's assortment.